Your first visit

On your first visit, please have on hand:

Information about your family history and that of your spouse

  • Genetic and hereditary disease
  • Congenital malformations

Information about tour personal health

  • Your medical history
  • Your previous surgeries
  • Your medications name and dosage
  • Your previous pregnancies
  • Your allergies

The information of your private insurances regarding the following elements:

  1. Prenatal screening coverage
  2. Ultrasounds coverage
  3. Coverage blood test in private laboratories

Your medical record if your pregnancy follow-up was started in another center or if previous ultrasond have been performed.

Your doctor will presribe routine blood and urine tests including, but not limited not, the assessment of anemia and blood glucose levels, the determination of rubella antibodies, the analysis of the  blood group and related antibodies, hemoglobin electrophoresis il relevant and the screening of the different STIs.  Your doctor may decide to order additional tests if deemed necessary. A dating uktrasound will also be prescribed to determine as accurately as possible the estimated due date.  In any cases, the tests must be done as soon as possible and before your second appointment. The Lasalle Hospital laboratory offers prefential access to pregnant patients who will give birth en their hospital. 

Your doctor will then explain the options form prenatal screening and give you the prescription of the one that suits you best. We therefor invite you to inform yourself before your first visit.

Your doctor will give you a prescription for your second trimester ultrasound,which will ideally take place between the 20th and  22nd week of your pregnancy.

Before leaving, you will get an appointment for your second visit. This appointment should take place 6 weeks later. Prenatal visit will get closer as the pregnacy progresses, with a frequency of 4 week after 20 weeks, 2 weeks after 30 weeks, and every week after 37 weeks og pregnancy.

Do not hesitate to consult our Check-list from your first pregnancy follow-up appointment.